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A convoy of ships underway and guns being fired from the ships underway at a sea ...HD Stock Footage
United States ship underway as guns are fired and soldiers aboard it look at a co...HD Stock Footage
Arctic convoy of British ships underway in the North Sea carrying weapons to Russ...HD Stock Footage
Allied naval guns aboard a ship being fired at night while underway in the Atlant...HD Stock Footage
United States Marines aboard a landing craft and guns fired from ships underway a...HD Stock Footage
A convoy of ships underway as US soldiers get off from landing craft and run thro...HD Stock Footage
A naval gun aboard a ship being turned around and aimed in the Atlantic Ocean d...HD Stock Footage
A convoy of Allied ships underway at sea during the invasion of Iheya Jima in Jap...HD Stock Footage
Newsreel: Various Ships In Convoy Attack In North Sea, 1940 (full)
Gun crew operates 5" gun on shipboard and cargo ships underway off the shore of I...HD Stock Footage
A convoy of ships approaching a vessel with guns and a naval mine floating in the...HD Stock Footage
Gun crew on the bow of an LST while a LST convoy underway at sea off the coast of...HD Stock Footage